Middleton, Looking for a Dog Trainer?

With over ten years in business and 600+ clients, we have helped families have more fun by training their dog. Whether you’re dealing with basic obedience issues or leash reactivity, Dog Coach has the dog training experience to help you. You can read about our success in these 100+ Google reviews and a Middleton client’s review below. 

blonde woman smiling while training family with their dog in a fenced area. little girl sits with black dog against fence.

What Middleton Dog Owners Say About Dog Coach: Reviews of Our Training

“My beloved dog Annie and I recently completed five individualized training sessions with Sarah Prescott at Dog Coach in Wenham over the past two months. Training with Sarah was our last stop before making a decision to re-home Annie. She had developed bad habits: jumping on everyone at the door, fiercely pulling on her leash at the sighting of rabbits, squirrels, and certain dogs, and escaping when the door opened for visitors. Annie had boundless energy, strength, and speed. After five sessions with Sarah including training with an e-collar, Annie is a model family member. She is calm but still playful and easily walked without incident. Most importantly she is a happy dog and we are happy dog owners! Thank you Sarah!” – Sally C.

Visit Our Facility Near Middleton MA

Our facility is conveniently located off 128 in the heart of the North Shore and we routinely have clients from Middleton come to our facility. We’re only 16 minutes away with the most direct route from Middleton. See our indoor/outdoor facility location here.

Dog Training Tip for Middleton: Petting Your Dog Calmly (Yes, It’s Dog Training)

Have you ever thought about how you pet your dog? Many of us never consider it, we just focus on loving our dog, giving affection, and enjoying it. 

Similar to tone of voice being a method of communication and training, how you pet your dog influences a dog’s energy and behavior. Petting a dog is a reward, it’s giving attention and affection that releases dopamine. This makes it on par with giving a treat, but more powerful in that you are building a relationship with your dog when you give him affection. (Read about why we skip dog treats often in training)

Notice the times you pet your dog. Are you petting him when he looks nervous? Are you petting him to tell him to calm down? Is he already excited and you just want to love him up? If you want better behavior from your dog, start deliberately choosing when to pet your dog–when he’s calm and when he’s obeyed your command. Take advantage of the times that your dog is calm: first thing in the morning, right before bed, when he’s relaxing, and pet your dog when he’s already calm. 

Reinforcing a calm, secure dog is the praise that builds a solid relationship and is a key component to the balanced-style dog training at Dog Coach.

yellow lab play bows at an airdale terrier and a tan mutt in the dog coach training yard

Our Programs

Small puppy laying in grass

Puppy Training

Team Puppy is for dogs ages 8-16 weeks. The program is 3 sessions, one-on-one and covers:

  • Setting a feed and sleep schedule
  • Crate training
  • Potty training
  • Controlling nipping, barking, and more
blonde lab mix foundation dog training

Foundation Training

Foundation training is a comprehensive approach to dog training. Whether you're looking for obedience training or behavior modification, Our results-driven dog training is a deep dive into how you and your family interact with your dog.

Basic challenges we address include:

  • Leash reactivity
  • Food and resource guarding
  • Fear and separation anxiety
  • Dog-to-dog aggression
  • Socialization
  • Basic dog obedience

Remote Collar Training

Remote collar training is for the dog that tends to make bad choices, is uncontrollable, does not listen to you, or is easily over-excited.

Remote collar training includes all the lessons of our Foundation Program with practice in:

  • Sit, place (stay), heel, and down
  • Off-leash recall
  • Proper responses to excessive barking and resource guarding

Ready to Move Forward?

Read through the programs and fill out our 20-question form to get started!

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