Learn More About Dog Coach "*" indicates required fieldsStep 1 of 333%This field is hidden when viewing the formDate Submitted MM slash DD slash YYYY Contact InformationFirst Name*Last Name*Phone*Email* Address*City*Zip*Dog InformationWhich program are you interested in?* Team Puppy (8 to 16 Weeks of Age) Foundation Training (After 4 Months of Age) Remote Collar TrainingIf you’re unsure of which program to consider, please return to Team Puppy, Foundation, or Remote Collar for descriptions and pricing.What is the name of your dog(s)?*Your dog’s age, breed, sex, spayed or neutered, and weight?*Is there any medical history that may be important to mention?*How long have you owned your dog?*Is your dog crate trained?* Yes NoDoes your dog eat at a set meal time or is there food in his bowl all day?*Who are the family members who live with your dog(s)? If children, what are their ages?*Any other pets in the household? Has your dog shown any aggression toward them?*Current Dog BehaviorWhat issues are you experiencing with your dog? Please be specific and give us as much information as possible.*How does your dog behave when someone enters your house?*How does your dog behave when meeting other dogs on the street?*Is your dog possessive of food and/or toys?* Yes NoPlease Describe:*Do you take your dog to daycare? Where? How often?*What is it like to walk your dog?*Has your dog ever bitten a human or other animal? Did the bite draw blood? If so what was the situation and did it require medical or veterinary care?*What are your main dog training goals and expectations?*When would you like to get started with training?*How did you hear about Dog Coach?* Referral from Veterinarian Referral from Dog Coach Client Google Ad Online Search Social Media Social Media Ad Yelp Town Group Referral from Groomer Dog Coach Vehicle Already work with Dog Coach OtherIf Referral or Other please listPrivacy Policy & Terms of Service* No YesI have read and agree to Dog Coach's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. An answer of 'yes' is required to submit.CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ